Bless a Child with a Shoe Box Gift! 

Join God in what He is doing through Operation Christmas Child. 

Every year our church family supports this Samaritan's Purse ministry that brings joy and the good news of the Gospel to children around the world. We know this activity will bless you and your family. See the links below for ideas and information. 

Watch this video to see why we participate in this life changing ministry! 


Why $9? 

First things first. You must pay for your box. A donation of $9 per shoe box is critical for Operation Christmas Child. It provides for so much more than just shipping. For a detailed description of what your money will go toward or to pay for your box online, follow the links below. 


How do I pack my box? 

After you decide if you want to pack a box for a little girl or a little boy and what age range, you can begin to purchase items that will fit in your box. There is a $9.00 shipping fee that must be paid. Then place a letter from you and a picture inside. Pray over your box with your family for the child who will receive it and then return it to RockRidge Church. If you want even more help, follow the link below.  


What NOT to include... 

To the right is a list of suggestions, but follow the link below for the full list. 


Build a Box Online! 

Shoebox gifts built online go to the ends of the earth to children in some of the hardest-to-reach places—whether deep jungles, city slums, steep mountainsides, or one of 1,000 remote Pacific islands. Many of these areas are resistant to the Gospel, for cultural or religious reasons, and are home to numerous unreached people groups, some of whom have never heard the Name of Jesus Christ. Follow the link below to get started.